PMO-CP Exam Simulator

49,99 $

This simulator is designed so that you can determine your level before taking the PMO-CP certification exam and at the same time strengthen your knowledge of the PMO Value Ring Methodology.

The simulator will help you to pass your exam very easily at the first attempt by simulating real exams in the number of questions, testing environment, knowledge and duration.

Who is this course for?
All those interested in becoming certified as a PMO-CP and/or applying the PMO Value Ring methodology for their project and product management offices (PMO), whether they are managers or executives, owners and engineers. Anyone in the management field will benefit as there is a flexible methodology in setting up PMOs.

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This simulator is designed so that you can determine your level before taking the PMO-CP certification exam and at the same time strengthen your knowledge of the PMO Value Ring Methodology.

The simulator will help you to pass your exam very easily at the first attempt by simulating real exams in the number of questions, testing environment, knowledge and duration.

The simulator is based for each and every one of the 8 steps of the PMO Value Ring Methodology:

1- Define the Functions of the PMO

2- Balance the Mix of PMO Functions

3- Establish the processes of the PMO

4- Define the KPIs of the PMO

5- Define the team and competencies of the PMO

6- Identify the maturity of the PMO and plan its evolution

7- Calculate the ROI of the PMO

8- Monitor the strategic performance of the PMO


Who is this course for?
All those interested in becoming certified as a PMO-CP and/or applying the PMO Value Ring methodology for their project and product management offices (PMO), whether they are managers or executives, owners and engineers. Anyone in the management field will benefit as there is a flexible methodology in setting up PMOs.